Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gotten a new handphone 3 days ago. Quite a nice phone considering that it's a non-camera phone. Ate Aston's crispy fried chicken the day before. Somehow it has made its way into my list of kian's most coveted food. Haha. But need to cut down on the oily and carby stuffs. Almost eat fish and co for lunch today. But didn't wan to be extravagant so i ate yong tau foo instead. It's becoming like a battle between the trade-offs. Price versus quality. At this moment, the former comes of greater importance since my bank acc money has plummeted sharply ever since i entered NS. Another long day for me tmrw. Hopefully i'll have some decent company physically or on the phone. Or else I will be bored to death in SAFTI MI attending some SAF parade day. Oh well, clerks are usually targetted becos we hold the lowest positions and we are thought of as brainless. I shall not comment on that statement becos it is so not true. Shall start training up for army half marathon which includes a plan of running 10.5km 3 times a week or more. Getting lethargic after the 2nd attempt. Shall rest now. Yawns.

Memories keep surfacing hinting the impossibility of dismissing them.

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