Friday, March 27, 2009

Got shortlisted for SMU School of Business interview. Was quite a random day, watching gridiron gang in my office when the clerk called and told me to report to Lee Kong Chian School Of Business in SMU on tuesday 7pm. Ain't exactly prepared for any business interview given the inadequacy of my business knowledge and minimal interest back then in college days. But was rather grateful for being given this opportunity to present myself in front of them.

Had another cohesion day for NMS in the afternoon at Eng Wah Cinemas watching another random documentary by Al Gore titled "An Inconvenient Truth." Although some people dozed off during the screening, I paid my full attention to that"movie" as it was rather engaging and shocking. The Chinese always have this saying " 饮水思源“。Since Mother Earth is so kind as to provide us with the nurturing environment to live in, we should reciprocate and contribute in whatever means we can back to her. The CO2 concentration on earth is rising dramatically due to the relentless burning of fossil fuels, indiscriminate cutting of trees thus depleting our oxygen supply and causing global warming and in turn a rise in global temperature. The melting of polar ice caps, rising of water levels, desertification of once fertile land casuing drought and famine. It sets me thinking sometimes whether industrialisation is a good thing after all. Perhaps we should all live in the medieval/primitive ages, where we do not impose on our environment and learn to cherish it since our very exist is dependant on the climate of it. There is a solution to global warming however. That everyone is to do their own part. Although a person's effort may be insignificant, given the cumulative effect of many selfless individuals, our actions will no longer take a toil on the environment. This way we can ensure that our offsprings or the offsprings of our descendants will be able to enjoy living in a warm and comfortable environment just as we do. :)

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